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来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-04-14
本文导语: C99的inline的问题 请问gcc中的函数声明为inline的时候,为什么有时候并没有内嵌进去,我已经加了-finline-functions inline有什么条件吗? | http://blog.csdn.net/dengyunze/archive/2004/10/17/139471.aspx 好奇的问一句:为什...
man gcc:
By default, gcc limits the size of functions that can be inlined.
This flag allows the control of this limit for functions that are
explicitly marked as inline (ie marked with the inline keyword or
defined within the class definition in c++). n is the size of
functions that can be inlined in number of pseudo instructions (not
counting parameter handling). The default value of n is 600.
Increasing this value can result in more inlined code at the cost
of compilation time and memory consumption. Decreasing usually
makes the compilation faster and less code will be inlined (which
presumably means slower programs). This option is particularly
useful for programs that use inlining heavily such as those based
on recursive templates with C++.
Note: pseudo instruction represents, in this particular context, an
abstract measurement of functionâs size. In no way, it represents
a count of assembly instructions and as such its exact meaning
might change from one release to an another.
man gcc:
By default, gcc limits the size of functions that can be inlined.
This flag allows the control of this limit for functions that are
explicitly marked as inline (ie marked with the inline keyword or
defined within the class definition in c++). n is the size of
functions that can be inlined in number of pseudo instructions (not
counting parameter handling). The default value of n is 600.
Increasing this value can result in more inlined code at the cost
of compilation time and memory consumption. Decreasing usually
makes the compilation faster and less code will be inlined (which
presumably means slower programs). This option is particularly
useful for programs that use inlining heavily such as those based
on recursive templates with C++.
Note: pseudo instruction represents, in this particular context, an
abstract measurement of functionâs size. In no way, it represents
a count of assembly instructions and as such its exact meaning
might change from one release to an another.
C++ Primer:
但是注意inline 指示对编译器来说只是一个建议编译器可以选择忽略该建议因为
把一个函数声明为inline 函数并不见得真的适合在调用点上展开例如一个递归函数
如rgcd()并不能在调用点完全展开虽然它的第一个调用可以一个1200 行的函数也不太
可能在调用点展开一般地inline 机制用来优化小的只有几行的经常被调用的函数
man gcc:
Integrate all simple functions into their callers. The compiler
heuristically decides which functions are simple enough to be worth
integrating in this way.
C++ Primer:
但是注意inline 指示对编译器来说只是一个建议编译器可以选择忽略该建议因为
把一个函数声明为inline 函数并不见得真的适合在调用点上展开例如一个递归函数
如rgcd()并不能在调用点完全展开虽然它的第一个调用可以一个1200 行的函数也不太
可能在调用点展开一般地inline 机制用来优化小的只有几行的经常被调用的函数
man gcc:
Integrate all simple functions into their callers. The compiler
heuristically decides which functions are simple enough to be worth
integrating in this way.
加上优化选项 -O