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Linux 怎么让防火墙允许某个端口?怎么查看哪些端口已经被允许了?
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-05-09
本文导语: 如题 我装cvs,其它正常 客户端不能登录 怀疑2401端口被堵了 | 装guarddog Install & Setup Firewall - GuardDog 1. Install GuardDog $ sudo apt-get install guarddog 2. Open GuardDog, it may report missing file...
我装cvs,其它正常 客户端不能登录 怀疑2401端口被堵了
我装cvs,其它正常 客户端不能登录 怀疑2401端口被堵了
Install & Setup Firewall - GuardDog
1. Install GuardDog
$ sudo apt-get install guarddog
2. Open GuardDog, it may report missing file when open it for the first time, leave it.
$ gksudo guarddog
3. GuardDog default has no rule, you must know exactly which rules you need, here is some guide.
Open tab Protocol, select Internet Zone, generally we need protocols like: DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP for internet connection; POP3, SMTP for mail client; NTP to synchronize time; SSH for secure remote control; Jabber, MSN for IM; etc.
Open tab Advanced, check 'Enable DHCP on Interfaces'.
4. Add New Protocol for QQ(the most widely used IM client in China)
Open tab Advanced, press new protocol to create a new one, Name: QQ, Type: UDP, Ports: 4000-8000.
Open tab Protocol, enable QQ protocol.
5. Press apply to take effect
Install & Setup Firewall - GuardDog
1. Install GuardDog
$ sudo apt-get install guarddog
2. Open GuardDog, it may report missing file when open it for the first time, leave it.
$ gksudo guarddog
3. GuardDog default has no rule, you must know exactly which rules you need, here is some guide.
Open tab Protocol, select Internet Zone, generally we need protocols like: DNS, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP for internet connection; POP3, SMTP for mail client; NTP to synchronize time; SSH for secure remote control; Jabber, MSN for IM; etc.
Open tab Advanced, check 'Enable DHCP on Interfaces'.
4. Add New Protocol for QQ(the most widely used IM client in China)
Open tab Advanced, press new protocol to create a new one, Name: QQ, Type: UDP, Ports: 4000-8000.
Open tab Protocol, enable QQ protocol.
5. Press apply to take effect
# setup
# setup
我记得FC上有防火墙 的选项可以选择,在里面可以设置你需要的端口打开的,
使用:iptables -L -n --line-num