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来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-07-14
本文导语: Linux scripting Write a Linux script (language of your choice, to be executed on a modern Linux distribution) that reports the top 3 users on the system with the most number of processes. Print the result to the terminal standard out, one use...
Linux scripting
Write a Linux script (language of your choice, to be executed on a modern Linux distribution) that reports the top 3 users on the system with the most number of processes. Print the result to the terminal standard out, one user per line, in no particular order. Kindly put the solution in a file called “top3users.sh”.
Write a Linux script (language of your choice, to be executed on a modern Linux distribution) that reports the top 3 users on the system with the most number of processes. Print the result to the terminal standard out, one user per line, in no particular order. Kindly put the solution in a file called “top3users.sh”.
ps -A u --noheading | awk '{count[$1]++}; END {for (user in count) print user, count[user] | "sort -n -k 2"}' | tail -n3
ps -A u --noheading | awk '{count[$1]++}; END {for (user in count) print user, count[user] | "sort -n -k 2"}' | tail -n3
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my @list=`ps aux`;
my @line=split(' ',$_);
my %top;
my $count=@list;
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my @list=`ps aux`;
my @line=split(' ',$_);
my %top;
my $count=@list;