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套接字编程客户端服务器 阻塞模型 传送1M数据出问题
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2017-05-23
本文导语: 1 客户端A socket1 write 1M to 服务器 写成功 2 客户端A socket2 write 1M to 服务器 写返回 write error : Resource temporarily unavailable 3 服务器从 sevsocketfd1 read 1M成功 4 服务器从 sevsocketfd2 read 一直阻塞 问题到底出来...
1 客户端A socket1 write 1M to 服务器 写成功
2 客户端A socket2 write 1M to 服务器 写返回 write error : Resource temporarily unavailable
3 服务器从 sevsocketfd1 read 1M成功
4 服务器从 sevsocketfd2 read 一直阻塞
did socket1 and socket2 read/write at the same time. How did you implement the server?
Have you checked the error message?
Is it EAGAIN if read/write is O_NONBLOCK?
Did you set up a non-default timeout?
Have you checked the error message?
Is it EAGAIN if read/write is O_NONBLOCK?
Did you set up a non-default timeout?