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red hat 6 怎么查是否有默认ftp 以及配置ftp 跪求~~!!!
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2017-05-27
本文导语: 试了 service vsftpd start 显示 vsftpd unrecognized sevice 这是没有默认ftp的意思么 还是有别个查找命令(顺路给个配置方法谢谢) | if you didn't explicitly select ftp during the installation of your RH...
试了 service vsftpd start
显示 vsftpd unrecognized sevice
这是没有默认ftp的意思么 还是有别个查找命令(顺路给个配置方法谢谢)
显示 vsftpd unrecognized sevice
这是没有默认ftp的意思么 还是有别个查找命令(顺路给个配置方法谢谢)
if you didn't explicitly select ftp during the installation of your RHEL, you will have to install it afterward.
If you like vsftpd, just do
#yum install vsftpd
#chkconfig vsftpd on
#service vsftpd start
It won't hurt if you check if there is a ftp service listening on tcp/21
#netstat -ntpl|grep 21
if it returns nothing, just following the above instruction
If you like vsftpd, just do
#yum install vsftpd
#chkconfig vsftpd on
#service vsftpd start
It won't hurt if you check if there is a ftp service listening on tcp/21
#netstat -ntpl|grep 21
if it returns nothing, just following the above instruction