当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
能否在linux下执行 windows程序呢?
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-05-17
本文导语: ? | wine or winex | Wine,不过不一定成功 | 除非用模拟器,或者虚拟机,否则不行 linux的可执行文件的格式是elf,executable and linkable format windows的是pe,portable executable ...
wine or winex
linux的可执行文件的格式是elf,executable and linkable format
windows的是pe,portable executable
linux的可执行文件的格式是elf,executable and linkable format
windows的是pe,portable executable
Ok,but is a hard work .
I suggest no using this method .
I suggest no using this method .