当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
unix shell__!的用法
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-07-21
本文导语: 如下: misql delete from AVIVAGROUP_OPER where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999 delete from AVIVAROLE where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999) delete from AVIVAROLE_OPER where...
misql delete from AVIVAGROUP_OPER where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999
delete from AVIVAROLE where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999)
delete from AVIVAROLE_OPER where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999)
delete from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999
delete from AVIVAROLE_FUNCTIONS where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999)
delete from AVIVAROLE_USER where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999)
>> clearERR.txt
misql delete from AVIVAGROUP_OPER where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999
delete from AVIVAROLE where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999)
delete from AVIVAROLE_OPER where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999)
delete from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999
delete from AVIVAROLE_FUNCTIONS where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999)
delete from AVIVAROLE_USER where ROLENAME in (select ROLENAME from AVIVAROLE_GROUP where GROUPID between "$PROV"0000 and "$PROV"9999)
>> clearERR.txt
[root@bat ~]# cat this is a test
> end
> !
hi 《===输出
this is a test
[root@bat ~]# cat this is a test
> end
> !
hi 《===输出
this is a test