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How to copy files from CD-ROM to hard disk?
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-10-24
本文导语: hi all, My OS is RHEL5.5 with graphics. I just insert music cd into cd drive, I am sure the system has identified the cd, and I have already listened to the music. Curiously, when I enter command "df", the screen just displays /, /b...
hi all,
My OS is RHEL5.5 with graphics. I just insert music cd into cd drive, I am sure the system has identified the cd, and I have already listened to the music. Curiously, when I enter command "df", the screen just displays /, /boot,/dev/shm without /cdrom. Could you tell me why? How to mount CD-Rom? Personally thinking, for redhat text mode, we need manually mount cd-rom, for redhat graphics mode, we don't need. Am I right for this view?
ps:sorry about above context, I don't have chinese input method.
My OS is RHEL5.5 with graphics. I just insert music cd into cd drive, I am sure the system has identified the cd, and I have already listened to the music. Curiously, when I enter command "df", the screen just displays /, /boot,/dev/shm without /cdrom. Could you tell me why? How to mount CD-Rom? Personally thinking, for redhat text mode, we need manually mount cd-rom, for redhat graphics mode, we don't need. Am I right for this view?
ps:sorry about above context, I don't have chinese input method.
#mount /dev/cdrom /media
#cp /media/somefile /your-path/
#cp /media/somefile /your-path/
Some linux system can auto mount CD-ROM, but some cannot.
try this cmd:
#mount /dev/cdrom /home/yourhome/path.(in my system, /dev/cdrom)
try this cmd:
#mount /dev/cdrom /home/yourhome/path.(in my system, /dev/cdrom)
frist I'm a linux ABC user ,I use command "df",the screen don't display /cdrom either,but i can mount the cdrom manually,so you should be right.
sorry, my english.... tai chou le!
cd /media/cdrom0??
cd /media/cdrom0??
mount -o rw,remount /mnt/cdrom(或者是你之前写的挂载点)
/home/quinton is you home!
you can mount cdrom to /mnt or other dir.
or just follow zhuxi。
mount -o loop /dev/cdrom /mnt
mount -o loop /dev/cdrom /mnt
mount /dev/cdrom /mn/cdrom 即可