当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-04-21
本文导语: 求UNIX的笔试题 向高手请教unix的笔试题(附详细答案的更好.谢谢) 题好.我再加100分. | 一份高级技术支持笔试题(主要是Oracle和Unix,含参考答案) http://hi.baidu.com/edeed/blog/item/9799a3cce99cb81101e928ef.html ...
1. How to generate a process?
2. How to communicate between UNIX processes?
3. What is the difference between PIPE & FIFO? How to use them?
4. How to use UNIX POSIX thread?
5. How to use a templet file that unseenable to other processes?
6. How to program TCP under UNIX?
7. Explain SIGNALS and their function
8. What is the usage of semaphore?
9. What is message queue and how to use it, does there any limit in message queue?
2. How to communicate between UNIX processes?
3. What is the difference between PIPE & FIFO? How to use them?
4. How to use UNIX POSIX thread?
5. How to use a templet file that unseenable to other processes?
6. How to program TCP under UNIX?
7. Explain SIGNALS and their function
8. What is the usage of semaphore?
9. What is message queue and how to use it, does there any limit in message queue?
I think cuishuping's question is your choice ,
you should give him at least 80
if you can answer these question , at least , you are progrmmer
you should give him at least 80
if you can answer these question , at least , you are progrmmer