当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-04-06
本文导语: 例如, 我想查看struct passwd这个结构体都有什么变量, 但是,我man过,并没有像msdn那样,把他的变量显示出来? 要如何才能查到这种结构体里包含什么?谢谢。 | 不是栈里的,对整个系统共...
我想查看struct passwd这个结构体都有什么变量,
我想查看struct passwd这个结构体都有什么变量,
man 3p getpwuid可以得到你要的答案!
Finding the Name for the Effective User ID
The following example defines pws as a pointer to a structure of type passwd, which is used to store the structure pointer returned by the call to the
getpwuid() function. The geteuid() function shall return the effective user ID of the calling process; this is used as the search criteria for the getp-
wuid() function. The call to getpwuid() shall return a pointer to the structure containing that user ID value.
Finding the Name for the Effective User ID
The following example defines pws as a pointer to a structure of type passwd, which is used to store the structure pointer returned by the call to the
getpwuid() function. The geteuid() function shall return the effective user ID of the calling process; this is used as the search criteria for the getp-
wuid() function. The call to getpwuid() shall return a pointer to the structure containing that user ID value.
struct passwd *pws;
pws = getpwuid(geteuid());
和char * 一样
,有些是声明为static 变量的
,有些是声明为static 变量的