当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2017-05-22
本文导语: 安装 yEd-3.12_32-bit_setup.sh出了这个错 求大神帮忙 Error unpacking jar files. The architecture or bitness (32/64) of the bundled JVM might not match your machine. | 有64位的安装包就下64位的 | 从提示看...
安装 yEd-3.12_32-bit_setup.sh出了这个错 求大神帮忙
Error unpacking jar files. The architecture or bitness (32/64)
of the bundled JVM might not match your machine.
Error unpacking jar files. The architecture or bitness (32/64)
of the bundled JVM might not match your machine.
从提示看 JVM 不对
是不是 64 位的系统?
I had the same problem on my ubuntu 10.04 and i solved it in the following way.
As every one probably have understood, this problem is related to the 64bit architecture.
The real issue, anyway, is that the bash script installer uses the unpack200 executable present into the jre/bin folder in a tarball that itself extract (when it prints "Unpacking JRE"), instead of using the system /usr/bin/unpack200
Now, THAT unpack200 executable is for 32bit architecture.
So i solved in this way.
1) Download the no-install release
2) Backup the unpack200 executable in jre/bin folder
$ cd jre/bin
$ mv unpack200 unpack200.original
3) Create a symbolink link named unpack200 pointing to the system unpack200 (that is obviously the 64bit one)
$ ln -fs /usr/bin/unpack200 unpack200
NOTE: you may veirify the right path of your unpack200 ( $ which unpack200 )
I had the same problem on my ubuntu 10.04 and i solved it in the following way.
As every one probably have understood, this problem is related to the 64bit architecture.
The real issue, anyway, is that the bash script installer uses the unpack200 executable present into the jre/bin folder in a tarball that itself extract (when it prints "Unpacking JRE"), instead of using the system /usr/bin/unpack200
Now, THAT unpack200 executable is for 32bit architecture.
So i solved in this way.
1) Download the no-install release
2) Backup the unpack200 executable in jre/bin folder
$ cd jre/bin
$ mv unpack200 unpack200.original
3) Create a symbolink link named unpack200 pointing to the system unpack200 (that is obviously the 64bit one)
$ ln -fs /usr/bin/unpack200 unpack200
NOTE: you may veirify the right path of your unpack200 ( $ which unpack200 )