当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2017-04-29
本文导语: JLink + Vmware调试linux内核 2012-06-28 15:10:49 分类: 嵌入式 Jlink 版本: V4.34d 交叉编译: arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc Boot Loader 调用 Linux 内核的方法是直接跳转到内核的第一条指令处,也即直接跳转到 MEM_START+0x8000 地址处。在...
JLink + Vmware调试linux内核 2012-06-28 15:10:49
分类: 嵌入式
Jlink 版本: V4.34d
交叉编译: arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
Boot Loader 调用 Linux 内核的方法是直接跳转到内核的第一条指令处,也即直接跳转到 MEM_START+0x8000 地址处。在跳转时,下列条件要满足:
1. CPU 寄存器的设置:
* R0=0;
* R1=机器类型 ID;关于 Machine Type Number,可以参见 linux/arch/arm/tools/mach-types。
* R2=启动参数标列表在 RAM 中起始基地址;
2. CPU 模式:
* 必须禁止中断(IRQs和FIQs);
* CPU 必须 SVC 模式;
3. Cache 和 MMU 的设置:
* MMU 必须关闭;
* 指令 Cache 可以打开也可以关闭;
* 数据 Cache 必须关闭;
4. 设备DMA必须关闭状态
1. 通过初始化脚本
贴一段gdb + j-link on s3c244x的, 主要就是要配置一下MMU。
#memory init
mon MemU32 0x48000000 = 0x22111100
mon MemU32 0x4800001c = 0x18001
mon MemU32 0x48000024 = 0x8c0514
mon MemU32 0x48000028 = 0x91
mon MemU32 0x4800002c = 0x30
#setup mmu
mon MemU32 0x33f03000 = 0x30000c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03004 = 0x30100c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03008 = 0x30200c12
mon MemU32 0x33f0300c = 0x30300c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03010 = 0x30400c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03014 = 0x30500c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03018 = 0x30600c12
mon MemU32 0x33f0301c = 0x30700c12
mon MemU32 0x33f00cfc = 0x33f00c12
monitor cp15 2 0 0 0 = 0x33f00000
#enable mmu
monitor cp15 1 0 0 0 = 0x7171
#wce 0, c1, c0, 0 ,0x7171
#load kernel vmlinux
load vmlinux
file vmlinux
#reset kernel boot env
monitor cp15 1 0 0 0 = 0x7170
monitor reg pc = 0x30008000
monitor reg r0 = 0x00000000 #0x00000000
monitor reg r1 = your_machine_id_here
# connect to the J-Link gdb server
target remote localhost:2331
# Set JTAG speed to 30 kHz
monitor endian little
monitor speed 30
# Reset the target
monitor reset
monitor sleep 10
# CPU core initialization (to be done by user)
# Set the processor mode
monitor reg cpsr = 0xd3
#config MMU
#flush v3/v4 cache
monitor cp15 7, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
#/* flush v4 TLB */
monitor cp15 8, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
#disable MMU stuff and caches
monitor cp15 1, 0, 0, 0 =0x1002
#Peri port setup
monitor cp15 15, 2, 0, 4 = 0x70000013
#disable watchdog kangear
monitor MemU32 0x53000000 = 0x00000000
monitor sleep 10
#disable interrupt kangear
monitor MemU32 0x4A000008 = 0xffffffff
monitor MemU32 0x4A00001C = 0x7fff
#set clock
#initialize system clocks --- locktime register
monitor MemU32 0x4C000000 = 0xFF000000
#initialize system clocks --- clock-divn register
monitor MemU32 0x4C000014 = 0x5 #CLKDVIN_400_148
#initialize system clocks --- mpll register
monitor MemU32 0x4C000004 = 0x7f021 #default clock
#memory init
mon MemU32 0x48000000 = 0x22111100
mon MemU32 0x4800001c = 0x18001
mon MemU32 0x48000024 = 0x8c0514
mon MemU32 0x48000028 = 0x91
mon MemU32 0x4800002c = 0x30
#setup mmu
mon MemU32 0x33f03000 = 0x30000c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03004 = 0x30100c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03008 = 0x30200c12
mon MemU32 0x33f0300c = 0x30300c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03010 = 0x30400c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03014 = 0x30500c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03018 = 0x30600c12
mon MemU32 0x33f0301c = 0x30700c12
mon MemU32 0x33f00cfc = 0x33f00c12
monitor cp15 2 0 0 0 = 0x33f00000
#enable mmu
monitor cp15 1 0 0 0 = 0x7171
#wce 0, c1, c0, 0 ,0x7171
#load kernel vmlinux
monitor speed auto
load vmlinux
file vmlinux
#reset kernel boot env
monitor cp15 1 0 0 0 = 0x7170
monitor reg pc = 0x30008000
monitor reg r0 = 0x00000000 #0x00000000
monitor reg r1 = 1999
分类: 嵌入式
Jlink 版本: V4.34d
交叉编译: arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc
Boot Loader 调用 Linux 内核的方法是直接跳转到内核的第一条指令处,也即直接跳转到 MEM_START+0x8000 地址处。在跳转时,下列条件要满足:
1. CPU 寄存器的设置:
* R0=0;
* R1=机器类型 ID;关于 Machine Type Number,可以参见 linux/arch/arm/tools/mach-types。
* R2=启动参数标列表在 RAM 中起始基地址;
2. CPU 模式:
* 必须禁止中断(IRQs和FIQs);
* CPU 必须 SVC 模式;
3. Cache 和 MMU 的设置:
* MMU 必须关闭;
* 指令 Cache 可以打开也可以关闭;
* 数据 Cache 必须关闭;
4. 设备DMA必须关闭状态
1. 通过初始化脚本
贴一段gdb + j-link on s3c244x的, 主要就是要配置一下MMU。
#memory init
mon MemU32 0x48000000 = 0x22111100
mon MemU32 0x4800001c = 0x18001
mon MemU32 0x48000024 = 0x8c0514
mon MemU32 0x48000028 = 0x91
mon MemU32 0x4800002c = 0x30
#setup mmu
mon MemU32 0x33f03000 = 0x30000c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03004 = 0x30100c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03008 = 0x30200c12
mon MemU32 0x33f0300c = 0x30300c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03010 = 0x30400c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03014 = 0x30500c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03018 = 0x30600c12
mon MemU32 0x33f0301c = 0x30700c12
mon MemU32 0x33f00cfc = 0x33f00c12
monitor cp15 2 0 0 0 = 0x33f00000
#enable mmu
monitor cp15 1 0 0 0 = 0x7171
#wce 0, c1, c0, 0 ,0x7171
#load kernel vmlinux
load vmlinux
file vmlinux
#reset kernel boot env
monitor cp15 1 0 0 0 = 0x7170
monitor reg pc = 0x30008000
monitor reg r0 = 0x00000000 #0x00000000
monitor reg r1 = your_machine_id_here
# connect to the J-Link gdb server
target remote localhost:2331
# Set JTAG speed to 30 kHz
monitor endian little
monitor speed 30
# Reset the target
monitor reset
monitor sleep 10
# CPU core initialization (to be done by user)
# Set the processor mode
monitor reg cpsr = 0xd3
#config MMU
#flush v3/v4 cache
monitor cp15 7, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
#/* flush v4 TLB */
monitor cp15 8, 7, 0, 0 = 0x0
#disable MMU stuff and caches
monitor cp15 1, 0, 0, 0 =0x1002
#Peri port setup
monitor cp15 15, 2, 0, 4 = 0x70000013
#disable watchdog kangear
monitor MemU32 0x53000000 = 0x00000000
monitor sleep 10
#disable interrupt kangear
monitor MemU32 0x4A000008 = 0xffffffff
monitor MemU32 0x4A00001C = 0x7fff
#set clock
#initialize system clocks --- locktime register
monitor MemU32 0x4C000000 = 0xFF000000
#initialize system clocks --- clock-divn register
monitor MemU32 0x4C000014 = 0x5 #CLKDVIN_400_148
#initialize system clocks --- mpll register
monitor MemU32 0x4C000004 = 0x7f021 #default clock
#memory init
mon MemU32 0x48000000 = 0x22111100
mon MemU32 0x4800001c = 0x18001
mon MemU32 0x48000024 = 0x8c0514
mon MemU32 0x48000028 = 0x91
mon MemU32 0x4800002c = 0x30
#setup mmu
mon MemU32 0x33f03000 = 0x30000c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03004 = 0x30100c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03008 = 0x30200c12
mon MemU32 0x33f0300c = 0x30300c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03010 = 0x30400c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03014 = 0x30500c12
mon MemU32 0x33f03018 = 0x30600c12
mon MemU32 0x33f0301c = 0x30700c12
mon MemU32 0x33f00cfc = 0x33f00c12
monitor cp15 2 0 0 0 = 0x33f00000
#enable mmu
monitor cp15 1 0 0 0 = 0x7171
#wce 0, c1, c0, 0 ,0x7171
#load kernel vmlinux
monitor speed auto
load vmlinux
file vmlinux
#reset kernel boot env
monitor cp15 1 0 0 0 = 0x7170
monitor reg pc = 0x30008000
monitor reg r0 = 0x00000000 #0x00000000
monitor reg r1 = 1999

