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显卡不支持,现在屏幕刷新率只有H40, V60有没有高手能帮我解决?
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2015-01-20
本文导语: 能解决吗? | 你的显卡是古董吗?如果不是,你可以在你的显卡驱动光盘中找到LINUX下的驱动程序,没有的话,你可以到网上download一个! | Firstly, On board, on the BIOS, Advanced>...
Firstly, On board, on the BIOS, Advanced>Video configuration> Frame Buffer Size, change 1MB to 8MB
Next, you need to change a file entry:
modify the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file and change the driver line to:
Section "Device"
Driver "vesa"
The X server driver for the 830M and 845G is part of the "i810" driver. So you can select the i810 as your 845GL driver, then you can modify the v frequence to 85HZ.
Next, you need to change a file entry:
modify the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file and change the driver line to:
Section "Device"
Driver "vesa"
The X server driver for the 830M and 845G is part of the "i810" driver. So you can select the i810 as your 845GL driver, then you can modify the v frequence to 85HZ.