当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2016-08-18
本文导语: 前段日子重装了系统,也同时装了Ubuntu9.04,昨天晚上升级到9.10时,突然断电了,后来重启进入Ubuntu是就进不去,提示如下: one or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab can not yet be mounted /:waiting for /dev/disk/by-uuid/d6a...
one or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab can not yet be mounted
/:waiting for /dev/disk/by-uuid/d6ab110i-90f0-4bb6-b13d-4980623aca2c
/tmp:waiting for (null)
进入了recovery mode 也提示上述同样的东西,
Thank you !!!!
one or more of the mounts listed in /etc/fstab can not yet be mounted
/:waiting for /dev/disk/by-uuid/d6ab110i-90f0-4bb6-b13d-4980623aca2c
/tmp:waiting for (null)
进入了recovery mode 也提示上述同样的东西,
Thank you !!!!
突然掉电 可能造成文件系统损坏 windows也是这样吧 掉电后再启动的时候会检查磁盘
linux也一样 这个信息看上去是fsck在检测系统 这个过程有点慢
你再多等等试试 在英文网站上发现了关于你这个问题的如下信息
You are probably getting this message because fsck is checking one of your disks for errors and the boot process is waiting for the device to become available.
If you just wait, it should complete after a few minutes and the system should boot. If you power off the computer during this process, or if you are forced to power if off after the system locks up, you will get this prompt the next time you start the computer.
linux也一样 这个信息看上去是fsck在检测系统 这个过程有点慢
你再多等等试试 在英文网站上发现了关于你这个问题的如下信息
You are probably getting this message because fsck is checking one of your disks for errors and the boot process is waiting for the device to become available.
If you just wait, it should complete after a few minutes and the system should boot. If you power off the computer during this process, or if you are forced to power if off after the system locks up, you will get this prompt the next time you start the computer.
mark 学习了
晕 没注意 你是在升级系统的时候掉电的
不一定能自动恢复哦 有可能fstab文件错误 估计恢复需要花功夫
如果没有重要文件 不如重装得了
不一定能自动恢复哦 有可能fstab文件错误 估计恢复需要花功夫
如果没有重要文件 不如重装得了
这样的问题 不在现场不好回答 而且经验少
如果想学习的话 你自己多查查 多尝试
否则你就重装 来的更快
如果想学习的话 你自己多查查 多尝试
否则你就重装 来的更快
感觉还是文件系统遭到破坏导致的...多等会 自检完毕
你这个似乎是挂载/dev 时出错
你这个似乎是挂载/dev 时出错