当前位置: 技术问答>linux和unix
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2017-05-26
本文导语: 我把bind 解压缩后然后./configure后然后make,make install后为啥rpm -q bind显示没有bind,,,然后我的/etc里也没有named.conf,rndc文件????? | Since you compile and install from source, it's out of t...
我把bind 解压缩后然后./configure后然后make,make install后为啥rpm -q bind显示没有bind,,,然后我的/etc里也没有named.conf,rndc文件?????
Since you compile and install from source, it's out of the management of rpm. rpm database will not store any meta info for bind.
if make install doesn't include the script to populate named.conf, you may have to create it by yourself. You could though, take a copy of named.conf from a rpm version bind.
if make install doesn't include the script to populate named.conf, you may have to create it by yourself. You could though, take a copy of named.conf from a rpm version bind.
in ur original post, you mentioned "为啥rpm -q bind显示没有bind".
But in your last response, you said "rpm -qa |grep bind ".
I am lost...
As far as I know, you will not be able to have rpm managed bind if you only make install.
If you really want your bind to be managed by rpm, you will have to build it into a rpm package and then install after you have the binary ready through make.
not necessary since you compiled from source.
Do u have trouble to create named.conf by yourself?
Same reason