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key-value数据库 tstdb
本文导语: tstdb是一种基于日志重放机制的memcached兼容的key-value数据库,可用于需要缓存数据落地的一些场合。 它兼容memcached的客户端(支持get,set和delete命令),支持value过期设置。读写性能与memcached接近。日志重放速度很快,作者测试...
它兼容memcached的客户端(支持get,set和delete命令),支持value过期设置。读写性能与memcached接近。日志重放速度很快,作者测试时一亿数据的reloading(key:10bytes ,value: 20 bytes)只需要2分钟,内存占用2.1G。
1. keys are loaded into memory, and are organized as a ternary search tree
2. big values are stored on disk-based log; no disk IO for reading small values, which are less than 8 bytes
3. log file and hint file are used to reload data when restarting db server
4. very fast! both the qps and data reloading speed.
5. a memcached compatible server.
supporting prefix searching.
Have a lookhttp://code.google.com/p/tstdb/source/browse/
Download Installepoll is needed!
tar -xzf tstdb_0.2.tar.gz cd tstdb make run the server: ./tstserver show help./tstserver -hPerformance
the performance is comparable to memcached.
you cat test it by yourself. benchmark