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类Linux的dd工具 cstream

    来源:    发布时间:2014-12-27

    本文导语:  cstream 是一个类似 Linux 下的 dd 工具,用来处理数据流的工具。 cstream by Martin Cracauer - version 3.0.0 -V = print version number to stdout and exit with 0 -v = verbose [default: off] 0 = nothing 1 = report bytes transferred and throughput 2 = ...

cstream 是一个类似 Linux 下的 dd 工具,用来处理数据流的工具。

cstream by Martin Cracauer - version 3.0.0
-V     = print version number to stdout and exit with 0
-v  = verbose [default: off]
         0 = nothing
         1 = report bytes transferred and throughput
         2 = also throughput after first read/write
         3 = also seperate throughput for read and write (unimplemented)
         3 = verbose stats on every read/write
-b  = blocksize [default: 8192]
-B  = buffer (at most)  bytes [default: one block]
-c  = Concurrency, writing done by a seperate process
         0 = no concurrency, one one process
         1 = read side buffers
         2 = write side buffers
         3 = both sides buffer, -B amount of data will be transferred at once
-n  = overall size of data [default: unlimited]
-t  = throughput in bytes/sec [default: unlimited]
         if positive, bandwith is average over whole session.
         if negative, every write is delayed to not excceed.
-i  = name of input file, - = generate stream yourself
         to use stdin, use -i ''
-o  = name of output file, - = just sink data
         to use stdout, -o ''
-I  = Type of input file
-O  = Type of ouput file
         'f' = fifo (create it)
         'a' = set audio modes on file (i.e. CD quality)
         'N' = don't use TCP even if filename has ':'
         't' = tee - in addition to outfile, copy stream to fd 3
         'D' = O_DIRECT
         'S' = O_SYNC
         [Multiple chars allowed]
-p  = Write pid as ascii integer to file 
-l       include line count in statistics
-w  = Set write block size (-c 5 only)
-S       Don't output statistic on SIGINFO
-T  = Report throughput every  seconds
SIGINFO causes statistics to be written to stderr
SIGUSR1 causes statistics to be written to stderr
SIGUSR2 causes loop end after next buffer transfer
  if -i has not been used, specifies input file
-6   Use IPV6: -1 = don't, 1 = allow both, 2 = force v6
        On some platforms server mode 1 forces ipv6, as
        they don't open both v4 and v6 ports from one bind call.



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