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消息队列服务 rmq
本文导语: rmq 是一个基于 Redis 的消息队列服务,体积小而且易用,客户端基于 Jedis。 示例代码: Producer p = new Producer(new Jedis("localhost"),"some cool topic"); p.publish("some cool message"); Consumer c = new Consumer(new Jedis("localhost"),"consumer identif...
rmq 是一个基于 Redis 的消息队列服务,体积小而且易用,客户端基于 Jedis。
Producer p = new Producer(new Jedis("localhost"),"some cool topic"); p.publish("some cool message"); Consumer c = new Consumer(new Jedis("localhost"),"consumer identifier","some cool topic"); c.consume(new Callback() { public void onMessage(String message) { //do something here with the message } }); Consumer c = new Consumer(new Jedis("localhost"),"consumer identifier","some cool topic"); String message = c.consume(); String message = c.read();