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JSF组件框架 Trinidad
本文导语: Apache MyFaces Trinidad 是一个 JSF 框架,包含大量的企业级组件库,支持附件、从右向左的语言以及下面一些关键特性: Partial-page rendering support for the entire component set Integrated client-side validation A dialog framework pageFlowScope, for communicatin...
Apache MyFaces Trinidad 是一个 JSF 框架,包含大量的企业级组件库,支持附件、从右向左的语言以及下面一些关键特性:
- Partial-page rendering support for the entire component set
- Integrated client-side validation
- A dialog framework
- pageFlowScope, for communicating between pages
JavaDoc: http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/trinidad-api/apidocs/index.html