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jQuery 标签云插件 jQCloud
本文导语: jqcloud是一个 jQuery 标签云的插件,如下图所示: 示例代码: jQCloud Example /*! * Create an array of word objects, each representing a word in the cloud */ var word_array = [ {text: "Lorem", weight: 15}, ...
jqcloud是一个 jQuery 标签云的插件,如下图所示:
jQCloud Example /*! * Create an array of word objects, each representing a word in the cloud */ var word_array = [ {text: "Lorem", weight: 15}, {text: "Ipsum", weight: 9, link: "http://jquery.com/"}, {text: "Dolor", weight: 6, html: {title: "I can haz any html attribute"}}, {text: "Sit", weight: 7}, {text: "Amet", weight: 5} // ...as many words as you want ]; $(function() { // When DOM is ready, select the container element and call the jQCloud method, passing the array of words as the first argument. $("#example").jQCloud(word_array); });