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jQuery Annotated Source

    来源:    发布时间:2014-12-29

    本文导语:  Jumping in to the source code of a popular library and seeing how the sausage is made is a great way to level-up on your journey to JavaScript badassery. But reading through 10K lines of highly refined code can be a daunting task. One solution is an "annotated source" (seen in libraries like Under...

Jumping in to the source code of a popular library and seeing how the sausage is made is a great way to level-up on your journey to JavaScript badassery. But reading through 10K lines of highly refined code can be a daunting task.

One solution is an "annotated source" (seen in libraries like Underscore.js and Backbone.js), which makes source code much more accessible by making the accompanying comments easier to read.




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