本文导语: WikyBlog是一款基于PHP+MySQL的网络日记程序。WikyBlog支持:多用户的BLOG,每个用户的BLOG都可用简单的URL访问,很 像del.icio.us的用户URL访问方式,BLOG的书写语法与Mediawiki一致,支持Tags文章分类,便于查找相关文章,支持AJAX。 WikyBl...
WikyBlog是一款基于PHP+MySQL的网络日记程序。WikyBlog支持:多用户的BLOG,每个用户的BLOG都可用简单的URL访问,很 像del.icio.us的用户URL访问方式,BLOG的书写语法与Mediawiki一致,支持Tags文章分类,便于查找相关文章,支持AJAX。
WikyBlog is a groupware platform that fuses the collaborative editing features of wikis with the user friendly publishing characteristics of blogs.
Designed for speed and ease of use, WikyBlog has a unique AJAX enhanced tabbed interface that enables users to view and edit multiple files within the same page. Custom templates, file attachments, a flexible user privilege system, and Google Maps number among its many features.