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OData SDK for PHP

    来源:    发布时间:2014-12-20

    本文导语:  OData 的 PHP 开发包,示例代码: /* connect to the OData service */ $svc = new NorthwindEntities(NORTHWIND_SERVICE_URL); /* get the list of Customers in the USA, for each customer get the list of Orders */ $query = $svc->Customers() ->filter("Country eq 'USA...

OData 的 PHP 开发包,示例代码:

/* connect to the OData service  */
   $svc = new NorthwindEntities(NORTHWIND_SERVICE_URL);
/* get the list of Customers in the USA, for each customer get the list of Orders */
    $query = $svc->Customers()
                 ->filter("Country eq 'USA'")
    $customerResponse = $query->Execute();

/* get only CustomerID and CustomerName */
    $query = $svc->Customers()
                 ->filter("Country eq 'USA'")
                 ->Select('CustomerID, CustomerName');
    $customerResponse = $query->Execute();

/* create a new customer */
    $customer = Customers::CreateCustomers('channel9', 'CHAN9');

/* commit the change on the server */        




  • 相关文章推荐
  • OData的Java实现 odata4j
  • 实现 OData 的 Java 库 Apache Olingo
  • OData client for Objective-C
  • 在浏览器中使用OData datajs

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