libsvm 3.18基本介绍以及libsvm 3.18的官网地址及库下载地址(本文由www.169it.com搜集整理)
LIBSVM是台湾大学林智仁(Lin Chih-Jen)副教授等开发设计的一个简单、易于使用和快速有效的SVM模式识别与回归的软件包。SVM用于模式识别或回归时,SVM方法及其参数、核函数及其参数的选择,目前国际上还没有形成一个统一的模式,也就是说最优SVM算法参数选择还只能是凭借经验、实验对比、大范围的搜寻或者利用软件包提供的交互检验功能进行寻优。
目前,libsvm拥有c、java、matlab、c#、ruby、python、r、perl、common lisp、labview等数十种语言版本。最常使用的是c、matlab、java和命令行(c语言编译的工具)的版本。
LIBSVM主页地址 : libsvm 官网
LIBSVM is an integrated software for support vector classification, (C-SVC, nu-SVC), 版本
iis7站长之家 (epsilon-SVR, nu-SVR) and distribution estimation (one-class SVM). It supports multi-class classification.
LIBSVM provides a simple interface where users can easily link it with their own programs. Main features of LIBSVM include:
Different SVM formulations
Efficient multi-class classification
Cross validation for model selection
Probability estimates
Various kernels (including precomputed kernel matrix)
Weighted SVM for unbalanced data
both c++ and java sources
GUI demonstrating SVM classification and regression
python, r, matlab, perl, ruby, weka, common lisp, clisp, haskell, ocaml, labview, and php interfaces. c# .net code and cuda extension is available.
It's also included in some data mining environments: RapidMiner, PCP, and LIONsolver.
Automatic model selection which can generate contour of cross valiation accuracy.
libsvm 3.18下载地址: libsvm 3.18下载