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    ▪BIND9私有DNS服务器小环境搭建实验       BIND9私有DNS服务器小环境搭建实验 2013.8.22 Author: db.  转载请注明出处:http://blog.csdn.net/juneman。 1. 服务器基本配置   1) 主根服务器 2) 从根服.........
    ▪Exchange2013增量备份      Exchange2013支持的备份技术有三种:Windows Server 备份工具(带有 VSS 插件)、Microsoft System Center 2012 数据保护管理器,或基于 VSS 的第三方 Exchange 感知应用程序。 这里介绍Windows Server 2012自带的.........
    ▪OSSEC Monitor your App log file      OSSEC monitors system logs with build-in support, and does a good job. Don't forget OSSEC is also can monitor the custom log file like our app's log. You have to create your own decoder and rule for that. Add the log file you want to monitor to oss.........

    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-01



Author: db.


1. 服务器基本配置


1) 主根服务器

2) 从根服务器

3) COM服务器

4) 解析服务器



2. 编译及安装BIND9

1) # tar xvf bind-9.6.1.tar.gz

# cd bind-9.6.1

#  ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/named  --enable-threads

# make && make install

2)  从rndc.conf文件中提取named.conf用的key

# cd /usr/local/named

# sbin/rndc-confgen > etc/rndc.conf

#cd etc/

# tail -10 rndc.conf | head -9 | sed s/#\//g > named.conf

# cat named.conf


key "rndc-key" {

        algorithm hmac-md5;

        secret "wk7NzsvLaCobiCFxHB2LXQ==";



 controls {

        inet port 953

        allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };







3. 配置主根服务器 在IP为192.168.56.101的服务器上

1) 打开named.conf, 添加如下内容

# vi named.conf

 key "rndc-key" {

        algorithm hmac-md5;

        secret "wk7NzsvLaCobiCFxHB2LXQ==";



 controls {

        inet port 953

                allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; };



options {

        directory "/var/named/";

        pid-file "/var/named/named.pid";

        recursion no;



zone "." IN {

        type master;

        file "db.root";

        allow-transfer {;};



其中: recursion no; 关闭递归查询。

           allow-transfer {;}; 允许区域传送,且仅对给出的IP地址的服务器  

           有效。 这里192.168.56.102是我们的从根服务器


2) 创建区配置文件

# cd /var 

# mkdir named

# cd named

# touch db.root

# vi db.root

$TTL 86400

@ IN SOA @ root (





        1m )


. IN NS root.ns.

root.ns. IN A

com. IN NS ns.com.

ns.com. IN A


其中: com. IN NS ns.com. 这里必须要授权出去, 否则递归解析时,将找不到类似

                          My.com 所对应的地址

3) 启动BIND 并测试

#  cd /usr/local/named

#  sbin/named -g &

#  dig @ . NS


root@simba-1:/var/named# dig @ . NS


; <<>> DiG 9.9.2-P1 <<>> @ . NS

; (1 server found)

;; global options: +cmd

;; Got answer:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 10193

;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 2

;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available



; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096


;.                              IN      NS



.                       86400   IN      NS      root.ns.



root.ns.                86400   IN      A


;; Query time: 19 msec


;; WHEN: Wed Aug 21 07:15:38 2013

;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 64


# dig @ com. NS

root@simba-1:/var/named# dig @ com. NS


; <<>> DiG 9.9.2-P1 <<>> @ com. NS

; (1 server found)

;; global options: +cmd

;; Got answer:

;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 20443

;; flags: qr rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 2

;; WARNING: recursion requested but&nbs

    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-01

Exchange2013支持的备份技术有三种:Windows Server 备份工具(带有 VSS 插件)、Microsoft System Center 2012 数据保护管理器,或基于 VSS 的第三方 Exchange 感知应用程序。

这里介绍Windows Server 2012自带的windows server backup工具来备份和还原,具体步骤如下:

1、先在服务器管理器中添加功能“windows server backup”,

2、打开windows server backup,右键点击“本地备份”,选择“备份计划”,









[3]OSSEC Monitor your App log file
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-01

OSSEC monitors system logs with build-in support, and does a good job. Don't forget OSSEC is also can monitor the custom log file like our app's log. You have to create your own decoder and rule for that.

  • Add the log file you want to monitor to ossec.conf

Open up 

and add below block in.


  • Create a custom decoder
OSSEC uses decoders to parse log files. After it finds the proper decoder for a log, it will parse out fields defined in /var/ossec/etc/decoders.xml, then compare these values to values in rule files - and will trigger an alert when values in the deciphered log file match values specified in rule files.

Decoders exist on the servers, not the agents. Custom decoder should be added to /var/ossec/etc/local_decoders.xml on the server.
The log I want to trigger an alert for looks something like this:

2010-09-25 15:28:42 [node-test]IP:
2010-09-25 15:28:52 [node-test]IP:
2010-09-25 15:29:52 [node-test]IP:
2010-09-25 15:39:52 [node-info]IP:
2010-09-27 16:39:52 [node-info]IP:

Open up /var/ossec/etc/local_decoder.xml (you can also use decoder.xml, which already exists, but using local_decoder.xml will assure that you don’t overwrite it on upgrade). First, we want to create a decoder that will match the first part of the log entry. We’ll use the date and first few characters to grab it using a regular expression.

The decoder file like below:
<decoder name="nodeerror">
        <prematch>^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d [node-test]</prematch>

<decoder name="nodeerror-alert">
  <regex offset="after_parent">IP:(\d+.\d+.\d+.\d+)@(\w+)</regex>

Save your local_decoder.xml and let’s run the log file through ossec-logtest.

2010-09-25 15:28:42 [node-test]IP:

**Phase 1: Completed pre-decoding.
       full event: '2010-09-25 15:28:42 [node-test]IP:'
       hostname: 'pms-srv01'
       program_name: '(null)'
       log: '2010-09-25 15:28:42 [node-test]IP:'

**Phase 2: Completed decoding.
       decoder: 'nodeerror'
       url: ''
       action: 'reboot'

**Phase 3: Completed filtering (rules).
       Rule id: '700006'
       Level: '8'
       Description: 'reboot happens!'
**Alert to be generated.

Looks good! It found our decoder and extracted the fields the way we want ‘em. Now, we’re ready to write local rules.

  • Write custom rules

Open /var/ossec/rules/local_rules.xml, and add below in.
    <rule id="700005" level="0">
        <description>Custom node Alert</description>
    <!-- Alert -->
    <rule id="700006" level="8">
        <description>reboot happens!</description>

Save your local_rules.xml file, Now, we are ready to restart OSSEC and check alert.

作者:WayllenZhang 发表于2013-8-22 10:24:17 原文链接
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