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Ubuntu12.04 64位 系统安装安装 db2_v1012_linuxx64_expc.tar.gz出错了??
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2017-04-13
本文导语: 用SSH上传到UbunTu中,然后解压db2_v1012_linuxx64_expc.tar.gz 接下来进行如下的命令: root@ubuntu:~# cd expc root@ubuntu:~/expc# ./db2_install ERROR: The 'strings' utility that is used to detect prerequisite libraries is not present on th...
root@ubuntu:~# cd expc
root@ubuntu:~/expc# ./db2_install
The 'strings' utility that is used to detect prerequisite libraries
is not present on this system. Please use your package or software
manager to install the GNU Binary Utilities.
Requirement not matched for DB2 database "Server" "". Version: "".
Summary of prerequisites that are not met on the current system:
DBT3514W The db2prereqcheck utility failed to find the following 32-bit library file: "/lib/libpam.so*".
DBI1324W Support of the db2_install command is deprecated. For
more information, see the DB2 Information Center.
Aborting the current installation ...
Run installation with the option "-f sysreq" parameter to force the installation.
root@ubuntu:~# cd expc
root@ubuntu:~/expc# ./db2_install
The 'strings' utility that is used to detect prerequisite libraries
is not present on this system. Please use your package or software
manager to install the GNU Binary Utilities.
Requirement not matched for DB2 database "Server" "". Version: "".
Summary of prerequisites that are not met on the current system:
DBT3514W The db2prereqcheck utility failed to find the following 32-bit library file: "/lib/libpam.so*".
DBI1324W Support of the db2_install command is deprecated. For
more information, see the DB2 Information Center.
Aborting the current installation ...
Run installation with the option "-f sysreq" parameter to force the installation.
The db2prereqcheck utility failed to find the following 32-bit library file: "/lib/libpam.so*".
Run installation with the option "-f sysreq" parameter to force the installation.
Run installation with the option "-f sysreq" parameter to force the installation.
The 'strings' utility that is used to detect prerequisite libraries
The 'strings' utility that is used to detect prerequisite libraries