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FileSystem check or mount faied.
来源: 互联网 发布时间:2017-04-29
本文导语: 软件更新到一半的时候,手动重启了电脑。然后就无法进入系统。提示Filesystem check or mount failed. A maintenance shell will now be started. CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and continue booting after re-trying filesystems. Any furth...
软件更新到一半的时候,手动重启了电脑。然后就无法进入系统。提示Filesystem check or mount failed. A maintenance shell will now be
started. CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and continue booting
after re-trying filesystems. Any further errors will be ignored。我的系统是ubuntu12.04。刚开始学习实在不知道该如何解决,各位大神帮帮忙
started. CONTROL-D will terminate this shell and continue booting
after re-trying filesystems. Any further errors will be ignored。我的系统是ubuntu12.04。刚开始学习实在不知道该如何解决,各位大神帮帮忙
执行命令fsck -f,然后选择Y