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    ▪Backup a farm by using SharePoint 2013 Central Administration and the Error Solution      Use Central Administration to back up a farm Notes: Before you backup the farm you should create a shared folder,The Central Admin backups can run as two different accounts, so you have to make sure they both have access to \\ap01\IT\web-backups2\spbr.........
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[1]Backup a farm by using SharePoint 2013 Central Administration and the Error Solution
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-07
Use Central Administration to back up a farm


Before you backup the farm you should create a shared folder,The Central Admin backups can run as two different accounts, so you have to make sure they both have access to \\ap01\IT\web-backups2\spbrtoc.xml.  The first account is the account that the Central Admin app pool is running as. The second is the account that the SQL service is running as.  If they both don't have modify permissions backups and recoveries will fail.

To active the SharePoint 2013 Administrate Server Resolution:   Start the administration service
    • Start the SharePoint Foundation Administration service by using the Services Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in in Windows. ClickStart, clickRun and type the following:
    • services.msc

Resolution:   Check the service account
  • If the service fails to start, ensure that the user name and account have membership in the Administrators group on the local computer.

Resolution:   Repair the configuration
  • If the service could not be started, try to repair the SharePoint Foundation configuration on that server by running the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard.

To create a shared folder
  • Verify that the user account that is performing this procedure is a member of the Administrators group on the computer on which you want to create the shared folder.

  • If you create the shared folder on a computer other than the one running SQL Server, ensure that the service account for SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) is using a domain user account and that it has Full Control permissions on the shared folder.

  • On the server on which you want to store the backup data, create a shared folder.

  • On the Sharing tab of the Properties dialog box, clickShare, and then in theFile Sharing dialog box, add the following accounts and assign them the Co-Owner role:

    • SQL Server service account (MSSQLSERVER)

    • The SharePoint Central Administration application pool identity account

    • The SharePoint 2010 Timer service account: Network Service  (if you are using SharePoint Foundation 2010 to perform backups)

  • To back up a farm by using Central Administration
  • To perform this procedure, you must be a member of the Farm Administrators group on the computer that is running Central Administration.

  • In Central Administration, on the Home page, in the Backup and Restore section, clickPerform a backup.

  • On the Perform a Backup — Step 1 of 2: Select Component to Back Up page, select the farm from the list of components, and then clickNext.

  • On the Start Backup — Step 2 of 2: Select Backup Options page, in the Backup Type section, select either Full or Differential.


    If you are backing up the farm for the first time, you must use the Full option. You must perform a full backup before you can perform a differential backup.


  • In the Back Up Only Configuration Settings section, click Back up content and configuration settings.

  • In the Backup File Location section, type the UNC path of the backup folder, and then clickStart Backup.

  • You can view the general status of all backup jobs at the top of the Backup and Restore Status page in theReadiness section. You can view the status for the current backup job in the lower part of the page in theBackup section. The status page updates every 30 seconds automatically. You can manually update the status details by clickingRefresh. Backup and recovery are Timer service jobs. Therefore, it may take several seconds for the backup to start.

    If you receive any errors, you can review them in the Failure Message column of the Backup and Restore Job Status page. You can also find more details in the Spbackup.log file at the UNC path that you specified in step 6.

  • Note:Perhaps you could have the ERROR:""The backup/restore job failed because there is already another job scheduled. Delete the timer job from the Timer Job Definitions page, and then restart the backup/restore job." Then you should into the Server Manage and restart the SharePoint Timer Service. that will be OK.


    Hope to help you...

    作者:Tristan_Dong 发表于2013-1-7 10:54:16 原文链接
    阅读:74 评论:1 查看评论

        来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-07

    论坛上经常会有很多人抱怨数据库HEAP表碎片很大,无法收缩。在2005之前可以通过创建聚集索引解决或者重建表将数据导入,等到表空间变小后再进行收缩。在2008中有一个新的语法ALTERTABLE REBUILD,使用这条语句可以重新生成表。





    使用ALTER TABLE REBUILD之后的效果(差距巨大吧,已经变成了131M):





    作者:SmithLiu328 发表于2013-1-7 11:49:53 原文链接
    阅读:2 评论:0 查看评论

        来源:    发布时间: 2013-11-07


    7、如果双引号里包含双引号,则用反斜杠进行转义,如var name="I\"m lh"就是I"m lh。
    8、数组很灵活,定义为不同类型:var name=["aa",11,false]、var name=Array("aa",11,false)
    9、数组中的任何一个元素都可以把一个数组作为它的值,如var names=Array();names[0]=name;
    10、关联数组:元素的下标可以是字符串,如:var lennon=Array();lennon["name"]="tom";lennon["age"]=30;
    19、判断浏览器是否支持某属性或方法:if(document.方法名或者属性名) return false; 方法名不要写圆括号,因为我们不用调用它的方法。
    20、把事件绑定到id的属性值上,类似div+css的用法,如<a id="aid">aaa</a> 在js中可以给id绑定事件document.getElementById("aid").onclick=function(){alert("aa");},这种
    方法类似为<a onclick="alert("aa");"></a>。
    25、让浏览器把XHTML当作XML对待前要引用MIME类型为application/xhtml+xml,xhtml必须要符合xml的规范,标签必须用小写字母,如以<a></a>标签,而html可以写成<a  />。

    • JavaScript和DOM编程艺术-笔记.zip (1.7 KB)

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