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    ▪HEVC学习(二十五) —— 变换系数的编码之一      本文首先介绍系数扫描模式的初始化。 直接给出代码及相应的注释:   // scanning order table UInt* g_auiSigLastScan[ 3 ][ MAX_CU_DEPTH ]; //!< [pattern][depth] const UInt g_sigLastScan8x8[ 3 ][ 4 ] = { {0, 2, 1, 3}, .........
    ▪java实现栈结构      栈的定义         栈(Stack)是限制仅在表的一端进行插入和删除运算的线性表。       (1)通常称插入、删除的这一端为栈顶 (Top),另.........
    ▪25. Notes About Garbage Collection In LotusScript      Garbage collection is done with three characteristics in Lotusscript. a) It’s done after the execution of EACH line of code. b) It reclaims the memory of an object when on local variable references it directly, even when another referenced object lin.........

[1]HEVC学习(二十五) —— 变换系数的编码之一
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-10




// scanning order table
UInt* g_auiSigLastScan[ 3 ][ MAX_CU_DEPTH ]; //!< [pattern][depth]

const UInt g_sigLastScan8x8[ 3 ][ 4 ] =
  {0, 2, 1, 3}, //!< right-up diagonal
  {0, 1, 2, 3}, //!< horizontal
  {0, 2, 1, 3}  //!< vertical
UInt g_sigLastScanCG32x32[ 64 ];


Void initSigLastScan(UInt* pBuffD, UInt* pBuffH, UInt* pBuffV, Int iWidth, Int iHeight, Int iDepth)
  const UInt  uiNumScanPos  = UInt( iWidth * iWidth );
  UInt        uiNextScanPos = 0;

  ** 在这里需要先作如下说明,以免对接下来代码中的一些处理会有疑惑。
  ** 首先,在初始化时,总共有2x2,4x4,8x8,16x16,32x32,64x64,128x128这7种情况,当然,我们实际使用
  ** 的就只有4x4,8x8,16x16,32x32这4种,其余的几种至少目前的draft中是不采用的,故重点关注这4种即可。
  ** 其次,这段初始化代码是基于JCTVC-G644这个提案的,提案的具体内容请自行把这个提案下载下来阅读,这里
  ** 不作详细介绍。

  if( iWidth < 16 )
  UInt* pBuffTemp = pBuffD;
  if( iWidth == 8 )
    pBuffTemp = g_sigLastScanCG32x32; //!< 用于TU为32x32时的系数扫描,CG为Coefficient Group的缩写
  for( UInt uiScanLine = 0; uiNextScanPos < uiNumScanPos; uiScanLine++ )
    Int    iPrimDim  = Int( uiScanLine );	//!< uiScanLine为已经扫描过的反对角线数
    Int    iScndDim  = 0;						//!< 在某条反对角线上的计数
    while( iPrimDim >= iWidth )				//!< 扫描的反对角线如果已经超过矩阵反对角线数的一半
    {													//!< 则根据该反对角线与反主对角线的距离,距离每增加1,则总元素数减1
    while( iPrimDim >= 0 && iScndDim < iWidth ) //!< 设置矩阵中某一条反对角线上(左下到右上)的元素的序号 
    {//!< pBuffTemp赋值的原理:iPrimDim控制当前扫描到的元素的行数,iiScndDim控制该元素在反对角线上的序号
      pBuffTemp[ uiNextScanPos ] = iPrimDim * iWidth + iScndDim ;
  if( iWidth > 4 )
    UInt uiNumBlkSide = iWidth >> 2;						//!< 以4x4像素为一个单元
    UInt uiNumBlks    = uiNumBlkSide * uiNumBlkSide; //!< 单元数
    UInt log2Blk      = g_aucConvertToBit[ uiNumBlkSide ] + 1;

    for( UInt uiBlk = 0; uiBlk < uiNumBlks; uiBlk++ )
      uiNextScanPos   = 0;
      UInt initBlkPos = g_auiSigLastScan[ SCAN_DIAG ][ log2Blk ][ uiBlk ]; //!< 以4x4块为单元的位置(序号)	
      if( iWidth == 32 )
        initBlkPos = g_sigLastScanCG32x32[ uiBlk ]; //!< TU为32x32时,不会再在16个4x4块中进行up-right diamond扫描,而直接在整一个32x32中以4x4块为单元进行扫描
      UInt offsetY    = initBlkPos / uiNumBlkSide;					//!< 当前4x4块垂直方向的偏移量
      UInt offsetX    = initBlkPos - offsetY * uiNumBlkSide;	//!< 当前4x4块水平方向的偏移量
      UInt offsetD    = 4 * ( offsetX + offsetY * iWidth );		//!< 当前4x4块第一个位置序号
      UInt offsetScan = 16 * uiBlk;	//!< 每一个4x4块包含了16个像素(即系数),用于给出当前4x4块第一个位置相对于第1个4x4块第一个位置的偏移量
      for( UInt uiScanLine = 0; uiNextScanPos < 16; uiScanLine++ ) //!< 对每个4x4块进行扫描顺序的确定	
        Int    iPrimDim  = Int( uiScanLine );
        Int    iScndDim  = 0;
        while( iPrimDim >= 4 ) //!< 则根据该反对角线与反主对角线的距离,距离每增加1,则总元素数减1
        while( iPrimDim >= 0 && iScndDim < 4 ) //!< 设置矩阵中某一条反对角线上(左下到右上)的元素的序号 
          pBuffD[ uiNextScanPos + offsetScan ] = iPrimDim * iWidth + iScndDim + offsetD;
  UInt uiCnt = 0;
  if( iWidth > 2 )
  {//!< 水平扫描模式
    UInt numBlkSide = iWidth >> 2;  
    for(Int blkY=0; blkY < numBlkSide; blkY++) //!< 以4x4块为单元,行优先
      for(Int blkX=0; blkX < numBlkSide; blkX++)
        UInt offset    = blkY * 4 * iWidth + blkX * 4; //!< 确定当前4x4块的第一个位置序号
        for(Int y=0; y < 4; y++) //!< 对每个4x4块中的16个位置进行遍历,行优先
          for(Int x=0; x < 4; x++)
            pBuffH[uiCnt] = y*iWidth + x + offset;
            uiCnt ++;
    //!< 垂直扫描模式
    uiCnt = 0;
    for(Int blkX=0; blkX < numBlkSide; blkX++) //!< 以4x4块为单元,列优先
      for(Int blkY=0; blkY < numBlkSide; blkY++)
        UInt offset    = blkY * 4 * iWidth + blkX * 4;
        for(Int x=0; x < 4; x++) //!< //!< 对每个4x4块中的16个位置进行遍历,行优先
          for(Int y=0; y < 4; y++)
            pBuffV[uiCnt] = y*iWidth + x + offset;
            uiCnt ++;
      } //!< for(Int blkY=0; blkY < numBlkSide; blkY++)       
    } //!< for(Int blkX=0; blkX < numBlkSide; blkX++)     
  } //!< if( iWidth > 2 )   
  else  //!< if( iWidth <= 2 )
  { //!< Horizontal scan pattern
  for(Int iY=0; iY < iHeight; iY++)
    for(Int iX=0; iX < iWidth; iX++)
      pBuffH[uiCnt] = iY*iWidth + iX;
      uiCnt ++;

  //!< Vertical scan pattern
  uiCnt = 0;
  for(Int iX=0; iX < iWidth; iX++)
    for(Int iY=0; iY < iHeight; iY++)
      pBuffV[uiCnt] = iY*iWidth + iX;
      uiCnt ++;
  } //!< else //!< if( iWidth <= 2 )


作者:HEVC_CJL 发表于2013-1-12 14:33:07 原文链接
阅读:35 评论:0 查看评论

    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-10



    (1)通常称插入、删除的这一端为栈顶 (Top),另一端称为栈底 (Bottom)。  


    (3)栈为后进先出(Last In First Out)的线性表,简称为 LIFO 表。  















注意: 该运算只适用于栈的顺序存储结构。  






package Stack;
public interface StackADT {
    public void push(Object element);//压栈
    public Object pop();//出栈
    public boolean isEmpty();
    public int size();
    public Object peek();//返回栈顶对象的一个引用
    public String toString();



private LinearNode top; //指向栈顶
private int count;//标记栈的大小
package Stack;
import Bag.LinearNode;
public class LinkedStack implements StackADT {
    private LinearNode top; //指向栈顶
    private int count;//标记栈的大小
    public static void main(String[] args){
        LinkedStack stack = new LinkedStack();

[3]25. Notes About Garbage Collection In LotusScript
    来源: 互联网  发布时间: 2013-11-10
Garbage collection is done with three characteristics in Lotusscript.
a) It’s done after the execution of EACH line of code.
b) It reclaims the memory of an object when on local variable references it directly, even when another referenced object links to it.
c) When it reclaims an object, it reclaims all the objects contained by the object. Notes does not allow free-floating objects that exist outside their container, or "owner" object. Documents, for example, must belong to a database. Items must belong to a document, and ACLEntries must belong to an ACL object.
Point a) ensures the efficient memory usage when a sub involves the iteration of a large number of Notes objects e.g. documents.
set view = db.GetView("$all") 
set doc = view.GetFirstDocument() 
while not (doc is nothing) 
      ' do something... 
      set doc = view.GetNextDocument(doc) 

Point b) and c) are harmful when they work together.

dim s as new NotesSession 
dim entry as NotesEntry 
set entry = s.CurrentDatabase.ACL.GetFirstEntry
The entry object will be reclaimed right after the assignment statement is executed as the ACL object is not stored in any variable and thus destructed, which causes the child object ACLEntry to be reclaimed. The issue in this case can be fixed by storing the ACL object in a variable.
Another case is as below:
Sub Initialize
	Dim s As New NotesSession
	Dim view As NotesView
	Set view=TestObj()
	Print view.Name
End Sub
Function TestObj As NotesView
	Dim s As New NotesSession
	Dim db As NotesDatabase
	Set db=s.Getdatabase(s.Currentdatabase.Server, "log.nsf")
	Set TestObj=db.Getview("UsageByUser")
End function
The View object returned by the function TestObj is reclaimed before it can be used by the caller because the parent database log.nsf is reclaimed after the function ends. If the view is from the current database, it will keep alive, even if the current database object is not initialized in the caller. The current session and database objects keep alive until the whole program e.g. agent exits. To avoid the failure above, a global variable can be declared to hold the exterior database object.

Sub Initialize
	Dim s As New NotesSession
	‘the following two lines are optional
	Dim db As NotesDatabase
	Set db=s.Currentdatabase
	Dim view As NotesView
	Set view=TestObj()
	Print view.Name
End Sub
Function TestObj As NotesView
	Dim s As New NotesSession
	Set TestObj=s.Currentdatabase.Getview("All")
End function

作者:starrow 发表于2013-1-12 14:20:23 原文链接
阅读:32 评论:0 查看评论

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